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Since its first years, Imperial Energy has followed the policy of high social responsibility not only towards its employees, but also towards the people of the whole Tomsk region – the territory of the Group’s operations. Activities of Imperial Energy – one of the main subsoil users and tax payers of the region – contribute to the development of the economy of Tomsk region, the creation of new jobs, and the preservation social stability. Taxes, annually paid by the Group, amount to millions of roubles. Apart from that Imperial Energy implements a wide range of sponsorship and charity projects, aimed at supporting sports, educational and culture institutions, disabled children and other socially disadvantaged groups. The total expenditures for charity and social & economic development of territories in 2009-2024 made more than 50 million RUB.


Social and business partnership of Imperial Energy and the northern territories of Tomsk region, where the Group operates, is continuous and systematic. Imperial Energy Group and administrations of Kargasok and Parabel areas enter into cooperation agreements, resulting in efficient resolution of issues related to public services and amenities in settlements and villages, provision of employment for the local population, and rendering assistance to territorial authorities in implementation of prominent social projects.

The following projects received financial assistance from Imperial Energy and were implemented in 2010-2024:

  • Construction of a social center in Kiyevskiy village of Kargasok area;
  • Repairs of a kindergarten in Middle Vasyugan village of Kargasok area;
  • Cosmetic repairs of the Culture center in Novoseltsevo village of Parabel area;
  • Repairs of Novoseltsevo Secondary General Education School of Parabel area;
  • Capital repairs of the central stadium in Parabel village;
  • Reconstruction of a volleyball court in Yunost stadium of Kargasok village;
  • Construction of a sports ground in New Vasyugan village of Kargasok area (Tomsk region);
  • Organization of summer recreation and summer jobs for children of Parabel locality;
  • Capital repairs of Beryozka kindergarten in Parabel village;
  • Construction of an additional building of Kindergarten No. 4 in Parabel village;
  • Construction of 27-apartment corporate housing in Parabel village for young specialists in the field of healthcare, education, and culture;
  • Capital repairs of Kargasok kindergarten No. 27 in 2019 and 2022;
  • Design work related to capital repairs of the building of Kargasok regional cultural center;
  • Reconstruction of the central stadium in Parabel village;
  • Co-funding the purchase of a school bus for Kargasok area;
  • Reconstruction of water supply system in Vertikos village of Kargasok area;
  • Partial compensation for expenses on rental of housing premises for medical employees of Parabel area;
  • Boat repairs for Parabel area;
  • Construction of a gas pipeline in Pashnya village, Kargasok area of Tomsk region;
  • Construction of a reserve (emergency backup) fuel-handling facility for the boiler station located in Parabel village, Neftyanikov micro-district;
  • Purchase of medical equipment and medical products for the needs of Parabel Regional Hospital;
  • Development of design documentation on the improvement of public territories in Kargasok area within the framework of the implementation of the Federal project “Creation of a comfortable urban environment”.

Imperial Energy Group also takes active participation in Tomsk development programs:

  • In 2007, jointly with OJSC Tomskzelenstroy, Imperial Energy Group has founded the lime alley as a “green” gift to the city;
  • In 2012, a financial support was provided in the construction of the second stage of the Alley of Geologists;
  • In 2013, a financial support was provided for the XV Tomsk Innovations Forum “INNOVUS: Energy of Innovational Development”;
  • In 2017, also jointly with OJSC Tomskzelenstroy, Imperial Energy has founded the Alley of Russian-Indian Friendship in Tomsk Lagerniy Sad;
  • In 2019-2021 and 2023, monetary funds were transferred to the special charity account “Victory”, opened by the Tomsk City Administration for support of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
  • In 2021, with the financial support of LLC Nord Imperial, 15,864 peled juvenile fishes were released into the Tom River on July 16, 2021. The environmental activities were carried out with the participation of representatives of JSC Siberian Integrated Chemical Plant, Tomsk Scientific & Production Fish-breeding Complex, Tomsk Department of Government Control, Supervision & Protection of Aquatic Bioresources and Their Habitat, as well as public organizations;


One of the priorities of the charity policy of Imperial Energy Group is provision of support to the most socially vulnerable groups, i.e. disabled children, children without parental care, and lonely elderly people. We are proud that we have helped in changing destinies of dozens of people for better by participating in implementation of the following projects and activities:

2006 – sponsorship of the Russian Children’s Fund program aimed at rendering aid to children suffering from celiac disease;

2007 – participation in the charity telethon “Obyknovennoye Chudo” held by TV-2 (local TV company), financial assistance in treatment of several sick children;


  • Financial assistance to the Russian Children’s Fund program aimed at medical inspection of disabled children suffering from cystic fibrosis;
  • Jointly with the Russian Children’s Fund, the Group organized the Anti-diabetes day;
  • Corporate assistance to Tomsk Orphanage No. 4 (funds allocated for repair, PE uniform for the sports team, and gifts to children).


  • Furnished the children’s playroom in the children’s tuberculosis clinic;
  • Began cooperation with the Charity Fund named after Alyona Petrova (rendered assistance in equipping Rehabilitation center with toys and musical equipment, purchased equipment for pediatric wards of oncologic dispensary);
  • Procured modern TV sets for Kargasok elderly care center;
  • Imperial Energy participated in charity auctions held by the Governor (the total cost of lots procured in 2010-2011 amounted to 200 thousand RUB, which was allocated for treatment of sick children);
  • Financial assistance to the non-governmental organization taking care of disabled children Nadezhda in purchasing school stationery for disabled schoolchildren;


  • Procured gaming equipment for the Center of Social Aid to Family and Children Ogonyok, Tomsk;
  • Procured office appliances for Tomsk branch of Russian Union of Afghan War Veterans;
  • Opened children’s playroom in pediatric onco-hematology unit of the Regional Clinical Hospital;
  • Co-funded repairs and procurement of furniture for the Orphanage Shelter in Kargasok village;
  • Procured construction materials for Saint-Ilyinskiy Shelter in Tomsk.
  • Procured materials and equipment for pediatric onco-hematology unit of the Regional Clinical Hospital;


  • Procured juvenile furniture for Kindergarten No. 99 of Tomsk;
  • Procured special tennis tables for visually impaired people for Tomsk branch of the All Russia Association of the Blind;
  • Procured beds for Kargasok residential care home;
  • Procured equipment (including special-purpose equipment) for the needs of the Local Public Organization of Disabled Children of Parabel area;
  • Organized festive events for little patients of pediatric units of Cardiology R&D Center in celebration of the International Children’s Day;
  • Procured special furniture for the wards of the Children's Home for Children with Organic Damage to the Central Nervous System and Mental Disorders;
  • Co-funded construction & repairs jobs in the premises of the Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation of Sight-impaired People (Tomsk branch of Russian Society of the Blind);
  • Procured sweet New Year’s gifts for the wards of the Center for Social aid to Family and Children Ogonyok.


  • Procured beds of the wards of Moryakovskaya School for Orphaned Children and Children Left without Parental Care with Disabilities;
  • Procured special equipment (for low frequency therapy) for the Children’s Rehabilitation Center in Tomsk;
  • Procured household appliances for the Children's Home for Children with Organic Damage to the Central Nervous System and Mental Disorders, co-funded construction of sports & recreation playground for children under care of the establishment;
  • Procured furniture and equipment for the needs of the Social Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Children of Parabel area;
  • Procured equipment for the needs of the new rehabilitation center Alyonka for children with oncological diseases under the care of the Fund n.a. Alyona Petrova;
  • Procured equipment and construction materials for organization of specialized workplaces and a toilet room for people with disabilities (All-Russian Society of the Disabled).


  • Procured educational equipment and equipment for developing children’s housekeeping and labour skills for the needs of the Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors of Parabel area;
  • Financial assistance to sick children with serious illnesses and injuries through Charity Fund Korablik;
  • Annual purchase of gifts for New Year's holidays, sets of educational materials, toys, board games for activities with children with autism (Center for Assistance to Children and Adults with Autism RASSVET);
  • Sponsorship in purchase of protective medical equipment for Kargasok district hospital in order to combat the spread of the coronavirus infection in Kargasok area of Tomsk region;
  • Procured equipment for the needs of the new rehabilitation center Alyonka for children with oncological diseases under the care of the Fund n.a. Alyona Petrova;
  • Procured a freezer, bedding sets, blankets for the wards of Kirovskiy regional organization of Tomsk regional organization of the All-Russian Society of the Disabled;
  • Procured the sound touch equipment for Tomsk regional public organization of the All-Russian Society of the Blind.


Imperial Energy pays special attention to support and development of children’s and professional sports, education and culture, seeing them as the key to the harmonious development of the young generation and successful future of the region. By investing monetary assets into the development of material and technical base of the education establishments of the region, Imperial Energy makes a feasible contribution into the trailing of professional personnel for the industry and for the country.

2006 – Allocated funds for upgrading the computer facilities of Tomsk Vocational School No. 20;

2007 – Provided assistance to Tomsk Polytechnic University in establishment and equipping the new computer classroom;

2009 – Imperial Energy sponsored Tomsk children’s karate-do club SKIF. Young karatekas were able to take part in the All-Russia championship and took top places;


  • Sponsorship of Tom Football Club;
  • Funded the participation of Tomsk sportsmen in the national kickboxing competition;
  • Procured and gifted 10 modern microscopes to Oil and Gas Institute of Tomsk Polytechnic University for the new core examination laboratory;
  • Funded various educational projects and activities of Tomsk non-profit fund Culture of Tomsk region;
  • Paid for trips of employees’ children to the All-Russia festival “Detlandiya-2011” in Anapa. Our young talents won in three nominations!
  • Sponsorship of the organization of annual conference of geology veterans;
  • Sponsorship of the VIII All-Russia Open Field Competition of Young Geologists;


  • Financial assistance to organization of a scientific conference, round tables organized by Tomsk Polytechnic University and Subsoil Use Administration of Tomsk region (Tomsknedra), and purchased gifts for geology veterans,;
  • Funded the educational project "Aleksandrovskiy lyceum" organized by Tomsk Polytechnic University;
  • Organized receipt and free-of-charge concert of Indian Bollywood band Sugar N Spice in Tomsk;
  • Funded the participation of a representative of t Sparta Plus sports club in Russia’s grappling championship;
  • Funded the conferences of geologists, organized by a charitable trust for support of subsoil use development in Tomsk region;
  • Charitable contribution to charitable trust of subsoil use support in Tomsk region for sponsorship of young geologists’ competition.


  • Procured school bags for pupils of various educational establishments upon request of Tomsk region Administration;
  • Donated furniture for the needs of Tomsk Kindergarten No. 99, R&D enterprise ONTO and Tomsk State University (Radiophysical faculty);
  • Sponsorship of Friends of India organization to arrange representative activities associated with the visit of the Prime Minister of India to Russia in December 2015;
  • General sponsor of the Festivals of Indian Culture in Tomsk and International Yoga Days (from 2016 onwards).


  • Financial assistance in arrangement of the Festival of Indian Culture in Tomsk, organized by LLC Leisure and Sports Center, for 2 years;
  • Annual participation of Imperial Energy employees in the International Yoga Days and Festival of Indian Culture in Tomsk, organized by the Tomsk City Administration together with the Embassy of the Republic of India in Russia;
  • Participated in funding the Festival of Indian Culture in Moscow in 2018, organized by the Embassy of the Republic of India in Russia;
  • Financial assistance in the construction of a new Indian dance studio Chandrasurya in Tomsk;
  • Sponsorship of the event “Conference of Geology Veterans” (TROO RosGeo) for 4 years in a row
  • General sponsor of two ice hockey tournaments among children’s teams, which were held by Children's Sports School No. 4 in Tomsk;
  • Sponsorship of the purchase of volleyball uniform for the Imperial Energy team as part of the Coastal Volleyball League;
  • Donated equipment to Tomsk Polytechnic School for the workshop (training site) “Oil and Gas Production” as part of the implementation of the federal project “Young Professionals” (to increase the competitiveness of vocational education) of the national project “Education”.

 From 2010 to 2024, more than 300 students from higher and secondary educational institutions in Tomsk completed internships and practical training at Imperial Energy Group.