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Cedar alleys for future generations!

On the 20th and 24th of September, Imperial Energy in cooperation with Administration of Parabel and Kargasok districts and also with ecological organization “Strizh”, conducted a charity event “Plant a cedar with Imperial Energy”.

Management and employees of Imperial Energy as a part of declared by the President of RF Year of Ecology in Russia, made a gift to the inhabitants of two districts centers – in Parabel and Kargasok, cedar (Siberian pine) alleys, of 150 trees each were planted. Together with representatives of district administration, schoolchildren and volunteers from ecological organization “Strizh”, Imperial Energy organized this holiday event, with contests, songs and gifts for all the participants of this important green mission.

Imperial Energy, being in the 100 best ecological companies of Russia in 2013, understands all the responsibility for the future we shall leave to our next generations!

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