
01.11.2011 Imperial Energy Group donated modern microscopes to the laboratory of Institute of Natural Resources of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

On October 28, during the Academic board meeting, held in the main building of NR TPU under the guidance of P.S. Chubik, the Rector of TPU, Mr. A. Varma, CEO and Mr. I.V. Goncharov, General Director of LLC Nord Imperial presented 10 stereoscopic microscopes to the A.K. Mazurov, vice-rector and the Director of the Institute of Natural Resources (INR).

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01.11.2011 Imperial Energy Took Part in the Charitable Auction held by the Governor of Tomsk Region

October 28, a charitable auction took place in the Reception house of the Governor of Tomsk region, V.M. Kress. Imperial Energy participated in the event to help severely ill children.

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20.10.2011 Happy birthday Imperial Energy!

October 18, 2011: Imperial Energy group of companies celebrated its birthday. On this day in the year 2004 the main company of the group – LLC Nord Imperial – was founded.

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17.08.2011 Imperial Energy football team made it into semi-final!

On August 13-14 Imperial Energy football team played matches in the frameworks of Tomsk region amateur football tournament for the “Businessmen cup” of the year 2011 on the football stadium of Tomsk cadet corps.

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05.08.2011 Imperial Energy increased oil production by 11% in the first 6 month of the year – to 403 thousand tons.

For the period of January - June 2011 Imperial Energy produced 403 thousand tons of oil in Tomsk region, which is 11% more as compared to the same period of the last year.

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