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APG Treatment Facilities


Year 2021 was the year of achieving full implementation of the APG Utilization Program, which opened new horizons of success for IE in the sphere of extraction and processing of gas, the so-called “blue fuel”.

The “heart” of the APG Utilization Program is the Associated Petroleum Gas Treatment Plant (APGTP), which is located near the existing Oil Treatment Facility (OTF) in Snezhnoye field. This technological installation is a large site with various equipment units that are used in a highly complex technological process. The raw material for operation of this plant is associated petroleum gas (APG), which is transferred from Snezhnoye Oil Treatment Facility. Before the final gas product is pumped into the Snezhnoye - Zavyalovo gas pipeline, APG coming from the Oil Treatment Facility to APG TP goes through several stages of treatment. These stages include such processes as drying of APG to remove water moisture, as well as the process of drying to separate the gas from the hydrocarbon-gasoline fractions. After that dry gas is transferred to the main gas pipeline of "Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk" via the newly laid dedicated gas pipeline 159x8 mm (dia/thickness) running from APG TP site with total length of 47 km. This pipeline runs along the oil pipeline connecting Snezhnoye Oil Treatment Facility and Custody Transfer Facility Zavyalovo. The point of connection (tie-in) to the main gas pipeline of Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk is located near CTF Zavyalovo. The data from the commercial gas metering station is transmitted in online mode to the Dispatch services of both IE and Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk.

Also, an integral part of the APG drying process is the process of separation of unstable condensate, which gets transferred into two distillation columns for further processing, as a result of which we obtain two products - stable condensate and propane-butane. Stable condensate is loaded into tank trucks and transported to various refineries for further processing. Propane-butane is shipped in the same way. As propane-butane is a finished product and does not require any further processing, it is consumed by gas stations and individual/household consumers of LPG. For storage and loading purposes the plant is equipped with finished product tank farms, including a farm of propane-butane storage tanks with total of 9 tanks 200 cubic meters each, with total volume of 1800 cubic meters, and a farm of stable condensate storage tanks with 2 tanks 100 cubic meters each, with total volume of 200 cubic meters. Also, in case APG TP tank farm gets filled with stable condensate, the existing OTF is equipped with tank RVS-1000.

Capacity of the Associated Petroleum Gas Treatment Plant (APG TP) for handling of raw gas is 90 million m3 per year. Capacity for generation of commercial products: for LPG (propane-butane mix) – 33.846 thousand tons/year; for natural gasoline – 9.626 thousand tons/year; and for dry stripped gas – 71.162 million m3 per year.

The staff structure of APG TP includes 38 employees in various spheres of specialization.